SolarCity is America's largest solar power provider. We have been working on their web properties since 2008, and in that time have built literally hundreds of digital marketing tools to support their rapidly expanding clean energy infrastructure. Over the past two years we have been consolidating a variety of SolarCity's lead generation and marketing tools into the custom Drupal CMS we built for them.
Services Used
Providing visitors with the best information
SolarCity is a nationally recognized brand, but their products aren't available in every state. In order to ensure site visitors don't waste their time submitting forms—and sales teams aren't chasing invalid leads—we integrated a graceful zip code validation function into every data gathering form on the site.
A controlled but infinitely flexible platform
A company of SolarCity's size and growth trajectory has many content 'owners,' each with their own unique requirements and messaging. We created an extensive library of modular content containers to accommodate their disparate needs while at the same time retaining a tightly controlled visual theme and brand.
Keeping the lawyers happy
As a public company operating in twenty states, with a variety of products and services, SolarCity's legal disclaimers are complicated, and it's essential they be up-to-date and accurate. Managing all this information was complicated and troublesome, so we created a flexible legal notice management system that gives the content managers a one-stop shop for all their disclosure needs.